Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Governance, Administration and Support

Governance, Administration and Support

Governing Body

An independent Governing Body is in place for Karamtola Community Hospital, comprising of Bangladeshi nationals and expatriates, to guide and oversee all organizational matters. The prestigious Christian denomination Church of Bangladesh (COB) is currently the organizational partner with Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) and one representative nominated by COB moderator is the head of current CHDP-K Governing Body.


At present the leadership of Karamtola Community Hospital is under management of a Director, who is from South Korea and a doctor by training. There is also Acting Director and Medical Director  along with a number of competent administrative staff members to support him.

The team for Administrative support in KCH are:


Dr Sung No Lee

Director, KCH

Dr David Khan

Acting Director and Medical Director, KCH

Mr Sumon Sarkar

General Manager, KCH

Mr Rupart Sarker

Finance Manager, KCH

Mr Walter Sagor Byapari

Maitenance Manager, KCH

Mr Rana Jarom Rozario

Co-ordinator, PFB

Admin, Maitenance and Support Team

Spiritual Support and Nurturing

Since the very beginning, Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) attached highest importance on spiritual nurturing and integrity of the staffs. The expatriate representatives of PCUSA and KOMMS also used the Biblical values as inherent basis of all programs under PFB. In present time the same trend is ongoing too.

The activities that PFB regularly emphasized on in 2022 included:


  • Morning devotional prayer daily before start of the office for Christian and other willing staff
  • Full church service on every Sunday with involvement of guest pastors, within the organizational premises,
  • Holy Communion once in every month, for staff
  • Regular in-ward prayer support cell for patients with complications and needing surgeries
  • Special counseling for patients and their families
  • Maintaining collaborative relationship with Christian Churches and organizations in locality and
  • Strong presence and participation of PFB in Metropolitan Christian Association in Gazipur

The organization also arranged various religious events like Pre-Christmas program, Easter celebration, staff retreat, etc for staff and beneficiaries.

Staff working in Spiritual Nurturing
