The Nursing Care and Patient Support
The Nursing and Patient Care Service
Karamtola Community Hospital always maintains a highest standard of nursing service, as it is required for overall quality care hospital patients, both at outdoors and indoors, at delivery room and dressing sections and at pre-, post- and per-operatively. The nursing section is supervised by Nursing Consultant, Ms Hwi Chow, who is South Korean and a senior nurse by training. In addition of senior nurses and midwives, the pool of nurses also includes a number of inters who have completed their training from Karamtola Nursing School.

Nursing Consultants, Nursing In-charge, Senior Nurses and Interns engaged in daily patient care in various departments of KCH are :

Ms Provati Luci Gomez
Senior Staff Nurse and Nursing In-charge

Team of Nurses

Team of Hospital Support Staff
The KCH pharmacy has most of the available medicines required for patients. The medicines are sold at market rate. It is open day and night.

Staff working in pharmacy include:

Md Al Amin
Medical Technologist (Pharmacy) & In-Charge of KCH Pharmacy

Staff members working in KCH Pharmacy
The physiotherapy section is capable to provide most of services required for patient. The services include Shortwave and ultrasound and Interferential therapy, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, Infra-red radiation and Vibrator massage, Lumber traction, Paraffin Wax bath and others

Staffs working in physhiotherapy are:

Mr Jorse Bairagi