Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH)

Since November 1992 Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) set its footsteps and started its journey at a place called Karamtola in Pubail union under Gazipur district, in Bangladesh. It is about 28 kilometers away from the capital city of Dhaka; it is well connected by roads with both Dhaka and surrounding districts.

The inception of this hospital was very modest, as it started as a field project of the registered NGO named Presbyterian Fellowship in Bangladesh (PFB). Initially it had two program components – a) CHDP-K referral clinic and b) Community Development Activities. At that time the field project was named Community Health and Development Program-Karamtola (CHDP-K). So the Karamtola Community Hospital now is often referred to as CHDP-K.

This Website

This website gives an overview of the Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) and the NGO the Presbyterian Fellowship in Bangladesh (PFB). Both are integral parts. In Bangladesh PFB started to work in post liberation time as an NGO and KCH emerged as its project (initially as a field project) later on.This website further tells about what services are being provided through Karamtola hospital.  You may click the additional pages linked here and it will bring you to more in-depth information about particular sections you look for. You will also find the cost of clinical services here.Additionally for your convenience you will find a search button in the top of the website and you may get help of that to find your expected topics.However if you feel to learn more about us or you like to give your feedback or you wish to support us in any of your ways, please feel free to visit the Readers’ Page and do not hesitate to contact us. Our staff will communicate with you in due course

Message from KCH Governing Board

Kormotola Community Hospital (KCH) has been working for the helpless, poor, and sick people for almost 32 years, providing care in response to the call of Christ’s human service. The hospital also provides comprehensive support to patients in light of Christ’s ideals and teachings. We glorify and praise the great Creator God for this institution; we remember the lives of those who have brought this institution to this point through their hard work and skills. This has played a vital role in promoting, spreading, and developing the institution.

Message from KOMMS, South Korea

“God Who Opens a Wide and Effective Door” (1 Corinthians 16:9)

Though we may not fully express the hard work of the past year in numbers or words, our all-knowing God will remember your prayers and dedication. From across the distant sea, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. It has been 33 years since the hospital building in Koramtola was first completed in 1992. Just as someone’s earnest prayers make the existence of “me” today possible, the Koramtola Hospital we see today exists thanks to the prayers and support of many unnamed individuals.

Message from Country Director


I started working in Bangladesh in 1994, so it has been over 30 years now. Over this time, many changes have taken place, and along with them, the Koramtola Hospital has undergone remarkable transformations. In the midst of these changes, countless individuals have been involved, contributing their efforts in various ways. Please always remember their heartfelt assistance and ensure that the original mission and purpose are not lost.

Message from Country Director


The medical ministry in Karamtola, Bangladesh, began in 1974 when Dr. Herbert Codington, an American doctor, started working with people in the slum of Tongi Ershad Nagar.

It has been 30 years since we moved to the village of Karamtola, Pubail Union. The year 2022 was not completely over with the corona virus problem, but it was a pretty quick recovery year.

The Organizational Journey

In 1975 a new NGO named Presbyterian Fellowship in Bangladesh (PFB) set its foot in the post-liberation era of Bangladesh. It started working by providing medical services and arranging relief programs as representative of the Presbyterian Church of USA (PCUSA). In those initial days the well-known American Presbyterian physician Dr. Herbert Codington came to organize and support this work in Bangladesh; he was mainly confined with his programs at Ershad Nagar near Tongi.


But in 1992 the medical work extended from there to a village called Karamtola in Pubail Union in Gazipur district and eventually a new project called Community Health and Development Program-Karamtola (CHDP-K) was started there. Fortunately for CHDP-K this had been a fixed project site, about 28 kilometers from Dhaka. Korean Overseas Medical Mission Society (KOMMS) and Church of Bangladesh (COB) also joined their hands, as partners, with PCUSA. People had a huge acceptance of their services. And consequently it was popularly called CHDP-K clinic at that time.


And the days started moving on. This very modest referral clinic at Karamtola started gradually growing in size, in extent and quality of its services, which today has become the Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH).


From the very beginning, this organization attached its priorities on supporting the poor underprivileged and vulnerable people of Bangladesh. A Community Nursing School was started in 2007. Karamtola Eye Service Project (KESP) emerged side by side with it in 2010. With a few more new projects like Primary Health Care Project, Dhaka Aviation Consortium Clinic, Peniel School, etc emerging later on, Presbyterian Fellowship in Bangladesh (PFB) became a real community focused centre in course of time.


At present this organization primarily covers a total population of 5,263,474 in Gazipur district and also works in the nearby areas of Dhaka, targeting some special groups of beneficiaries (As per population census of 2022).

Landmark Phases of Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH)

Born as a simple field project in November 1992, Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) passed through some distinctive phases over the years, each phase bringing positive changes to the hospital.

The Governance

In the past all project activities and health works were operated through a joint board of three partners: PCUSA, KOMMS and COB. But PCUSA withdrew their partnership from 1st July 1999, handing over the responsibility to KOMMS. Currently there are two local and independent governing boards, namely a) PFB Governing Board and b) CHDP-K Governing Board, to look after all the activities on-going under this NGO.


At present the leadership of Presbyterian Fellowship is under management of Country Director Dr Sung No Lee, who is from South Korea and a doctor by training. In the hospital there are other committees as well.

Rev. Emmanuel Mollick, Chairman, KCH Governing Board and Representative of COB

Rev. John Probhudan Hira,
Treasurer, KCH Governing Board and Representative of COB

Mr Suvojit Mondal, Member, KCH Governing Board and Representative of COB

Ms. Hwi Cho, Member, KCH Governing Board and Representative of KOMMS

Mrs. Jun Yuk Yeb ,Member , KCH Governing Board and Representative of KOMMS

Dr Sung No Lee, Member, KCH Governing Board and Director, KCH (Ex-officio)

Dr. David Khan, Member, KCH Governing Board and Deputy Director of KCH (Ex-officio)

The Governance

In the past all project activities and health works were operated through a joint board of three partners: PCUSA, KOMMS and COB. But PCUSA withdrew their partnership from 1st July 1999, handing over the responsibility to KOMMS. Currently there are two local and independent governing boards, namely a) PFB Governing Board and b) CHDP-K Governing Board, to look after all the activities on-going under this NGO.

At present the leadership of Presbyterian Fellowship is under management of Country Director Dr Sung No Lee, who is from South Korea and a doctor by training. In the hospital there are other committees as well.

Rev. Emmanuel Mollick, Chairman, KCH Governing Board and Representative of COB

Dr. Eun Young Ahn, Vice Chairman, KCH Governing Board and Representative of KOMMS

Rev. John Probhudan Hira, Treasurer, KCH Governing Board and Representative of COB

Ms. Hwi Cho, Member, KCH Governing Board and Representative of KOMMS

Paul Subrata Malakar, Member, KCH Governing Board and Representative of COB

Dr Sung No Lee, Member, KCH Governing Board and Director, KCH (Ex-officio)

Dr. David Khan, Member, KCH Governing Board and Deputy Director of KCH (Ex-officio)

Chief Organizational Functionary (1975-2023)

Presbyterian Fellowship in Bangladesh (PFB)

  • 1975-1984            Dr Herbert Codington
  • 1984-1987            Dr Yong Woong Lee
  • 1988-1992           Dr Wonhee Kang

Community Health and Development Program Karamtola (CHDP-K)

  • 1992-1993              Prodip Dowa

  • 1993-1994              Albert A. K. Samadder

  • 1995-1996              Dr. Paul S. Baidya

  • 1997-1997               Dr. Navel D’ Rozario

  • 1997-2003              Dr. Sebastian Halder
  • 2003-2008            Dr. Sung No Lee
  • 2008-2012                Dr MuYul Park

  • 2013-2015                 Dr Jinyoung Park

  • 2015-2017                  Dr Hyungyun Jung
  • 2017-2018                  Dr. Daesung Kwon

  • 2018-                          Dr. Sung No Lee

  • 1992-1993              Prodip Dowa

  • 1993-1994              Albert A. K. Samadder

  • 1995-1996              Dr. Paul S. Baidya

  • 1997-1997               Dr. Navel D’ Rozario

  • 1997-2003              Dr. Sebastian Halder
  • 2003-2008            Dr. Sung No Lee
  • 2008-2010             Dr MuYul Park

  • 2010-2015              Dr Jinyoung Park

  • 2015-2017               Dr Hyungyun Jung
  • 2017-2018                Dr. Daesung Kwon

  • 2018-                        Dr. Sung No Le
