Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Message from Country Director


I started working in Bangladesh in 1994, so it has been over 30 years now. Over this time, many changes have taken place, and along with them, the Koramtola Hospital has undergone remarkable transformations. In the midst of these changes, countless individuals have been involved, contributing their efforts in various ways. Please always remember their heartfelt assistance and ensure that the original mission and purpose are not lost.

Even as circumstances become
increasingly challenging, I urge you to maintain a compassionate heart for the
poor and underprivileged. Please also pay close attention to creating an
environment where the staff can work with a sense of stability and belonging.
Above all, may the patients and their families who come to this hospital,
amidst the difficulties of life, feel God’s goodness and mercy through the care
and treatment provided here.

It is essential to continually invest in and apply advanced medical
technologies to enhance the hospital’s services. Furthermore, when faced with
the daily challenges that arise, do not wait for someone else to solve them;
instead, consider them carefully and work actively toward solutions.

Though I am not physically present, I send my deepest appreciation and
encouragement to all the board members and staff who continue to dedicate
themselves to serving the poor in Bangladesh.

May God’s grace always be with you.

Dr. Sung No Lee

Country Director, Presbyterian Fellowship in Bangladesh (PFB)


Director, Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH)

Pubail, Gazipur

Karamtola, Pubail, Gazipur
