Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Message from KCH Governing Board

Let glory be unto the Almighty God, who is the Eternal Creator and who sustains all of us, big and small, on the earth.


The year 2022 is over. A new dawn shines upon us. This is a new year with hopes and aspirations for all of us to look into days ahead. This is also a juncture of time for us to look back into the past and to learn from our deeds in order for developing ourselves.

We are immensely thankful to God for long twelve months in 2022 which we could successfully pass as a service oriented project, the CHDP-K General Hospital. As governing Body of CHDP-K we had a number of challenges this year too. One of such challenges was to overcome the trauma that CHDP-K and its projects sustained in the earlier years due to COVID-19. The other challenges included redesigning the hospital activities in the scenario of downgrading global economic condition due to Russia-Ukraine war and thus keeping the people-oriented services of CHDP-K ongoing all through the year. We had especially been looking forward to making some credible progress in terms of developing our hospital service provisions. We must say, as we stand in a new year now, that many things have been possible for us by overcoming those challenges and by making appreciable success in 2022.


On behalf of CHDP-K Board of Directors, we are highly thankful to the President and Members of Korean Overseas Medical Mission Society (KOMMS), CHDP-K Director Dr. Sung No Lee and all expatriate members who have always been supportive in this big endeavor. Our sincere thanks to doctors, nurses, technicians and other hospital staff too, for their dedicated service the last year.


As always, we pray for this organization so that the year 2023 not only leads CHDP-K to become an accessible service centre with wide-spread quality clinical activities but this centre could also become an important source of God’s blessings for all communities in and around Karamtola in Gazipur district.


May God Bless You.



Rev. Emmanuel Mollick

Chairman, CHDP-K Governing Board

Dhaka, Bangladesh
