Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Message from KOMMS, South Korea

“God Who Opens a Wide and Effective Door” (1 Corinthians 16:9)


Though we may not fully express the hard work of the past year in numbers or words, our all-knowing God will remember your prayers and dedication. From across the distant sea, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. It has been 33 years since the hospital building in Koramtola was first completed in 1992. Just as someone’s earnest prayers make the existence of “me” today possible, the Koramtola Hospital we see today exists thanks to the prayers and support of many unnamed individuals.

In a changing healthcare environment, maintaining and growing a hospital requires the collaboration, harmony, and orderliness of various departments. Now, more than ever, servant leadership and a sense of community are essential. The Gwangju Christian Hospital, where I serve, began 120 years ago when a medical missionary treated nine patients. Today, 960 staff members care for approximately 2,000 outpatients and 530 inpatients daily. All of this has been accomplished by God. To this day, the hospital has preserved its tradition of faith.

Meaningful and valuable work makes life beautiful and precious. Caring for patients, serving others, and praying for the weak are the works of the Lord and the tasks entrusted to us. I believe that all the staff at Koramtola Hospital will continue to carry out these tasks well in the future. Just as the Apostle Paul said, “You can be proud of us just as we will be proud of you” (2 Corinthians 1:14), I hope that days filled with joy for everyone will continue to unfold. 



Rev. Jae Pyo Park

General Secretary, Korean Overseas Medical Mission Society (KOMMS)

South Korea
