Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) - A Christian Hospital at Community Level in Bangladesh God Cures, We Care

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

Karamtola Community Hospital(KCH)

The Organizational Journey

In 1975 a new NGO named Presbyterian Fellowship in Bangladesh (PFB) set its foot in the post-liberation era of Bangladesh. It started working by providing medical services and arranging relief programs as representative of the Presbyterian Church of USA (PCUSA). In those initial days the well-known American Presbyterian physician Dr. Herbert Codington came to organize and support this work in Bangladesh; he was mainly confined with his programs at Ershad Nagar near Tongi.

But in 1992 the medical work extended from there to a village called Karamtola in Pubail Union in Gazipur district and eventually a new project called Community Health and Development Program-Karamtola (CHDP-K) was started there. Fortunately for CHDP-K this had been a fixed project site, about 28 kilometers from Dhaka. Korean Overseas Medical Mission Society (KOMMS) and Church of Bangladesh (COB) also joined their hands, as partners, with PCUSA. People had a huge acceptance of their services. And consequently it was popularly called CHDP-K clinic at that time.

And the days started moving on. This very modest referral clinic at Karamtola started gradually growing in size, in extent and quality of its services, which today has become the Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH).

From the very beginning, this organization attached its priorities on supporting the poor underprivileged and vulnerable people of Bangladesh. A Community Nursing School was started in 2007. Karamtola Eye Service Project (KESP) emerged side by side with it in 2010. With a few more new projects like Primary Health Care Project, Dhaka Aviation Consortium Clinic, Peniel School, etc emerging later on, Presbyterian Fellowship in Bangladesh (PFB) became a real community focused centre in course of time.

At present this organization primarily covers a total population of 5,263,474 in Gazipur district and also works in the nearby areas of Dhaka, targeting some special groups of beneficiaries (As per population census of 2022).

Landmark Phases of Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH)

Born as a simple field project in November 1992, Karamtola Community Hospital (KCH) passed through some distinctive phases over the years, each phase bringing positive changes to the hospital.

Year 1992 – 1999 : Initial phase at Karamtola with field project.

  • The field project Community Health and Development Program-Karamtola (CHDP-K) kicked off
  • It had a referral clinic with community field activities in Pubail Union
  • The activities were all planned and executed with foreign support

Year 2000 – 2020 : Upgradation of referral clinic into a new dimension.

  • A full fledged general out patient department started
  • Modern diagnostic facilities were added with in-patient department and OT services
  • Emphasis was attached on self-sustainability of the hospital

Year 2007 : Karamtola Junior Nursing Training School started

  • Poor girls mostly ethnic and from minority groups got opportunity with minimal training cost
  • Candidates started working in Karamtola Hospital after the training

Year 2010 : Karamtola Eye Service Project (KESP) started

  • Treatment facilities for eye problems in communities added with KCH
  • Eye paramedical worker (MOLP) also training started at Karamtola with support from Heart to Heart Foundation
  • Various eye surgeries were undertaken that included free cataract surgeries too

Year 2011 – 2019 : Emergence of community Hospital

  • Upgradation of existing hospital services to professional level continued
  • Patient friendly low fee structure also introduced
  • People started calling it Karamtola Christian Hospital

Year 2020 – 2021 : A time of black-out characterized by

  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • Suspension of clinical work in line with Bangladesh national security guidelines

Year 2022 – 2023 : Way forward with secondary level clinical services

  • Karamtola Community hospital was further customized encompassing greater communities so that they also receive 24 hr secondary level services
  • Physical facilities were improved too to meet the desire and demand of the communities